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Qld Festival of Dressage, 11 August 2007 - A MONUMENTAL SUCCESS! Page 3 - Action from the Indoor Arena

2007 Queensland Festival of Dressage

Action from the Indoor Arena

Report by Tracy Mayhew, Qld Cyberhorse Rep

The team of volunteers did an absolutely beaut job decorating the indoor arena at the Pine Lodge Equestrian Centre and the stands filled up fast with eager spectators who had come to see the 'live action'. Having sold over 250 pre-paid tickets, there would've been around 700 people by early afternoon and it was standing room only - a truly incredible feat for a first-off event!

Things were kept moving along smoothly in the indoor under the guidance of Andrew Stevens on the microphone. He expertly compered the indoor events, made the demonstration introductions and kept everyone informed as to what was happening out in the Cyberhorse Seminar Centre, as well as making sure presentations ran to time; to use his words, "This was one slick show!"

Debonair MC, Andrew Stevens

Remembering that the presenters were State Squad members and dressage riders who were there to promote and give something back to the sport and not professional presenters per se - they should be really proud of the exceptional job they did. They gave really comprehensive and informative presentations in probably not perfect circumstances - has anyone ever had to ride a dressage test and had to:
1) Think what movement is coming up
2) Prepare your horse for said movement
3) Concentrate on presenting your horse to the best of its abilities
4) Describe to the crowd what you are doing and why
5) Remember to breathe!
They managed to do this plus inject humour into all this too! I doff my cap to all the presenters and riders, it was truly a display of excellent horsemanship!

Along with riding and doing presentations, squad members were also involved in selling tickets, making sure that sponsors and participants were looked after and being on-hand to answer any questions - multi-skilling at its best!

As I mentioned in the main report, I wasn't able to sit down and enjoy all the presentations, but here is a summary (from the official program) and a few photos of what went on.

"Buying a Dressage Horse" - Claire Wallace, assisted by Deb Ashby
To train and compete competently in dressage, you must have a suitable horse that not only has movement but trainability. Claire has bred, bought, trained and competed dressage horses successfully throughout Australia and she shared her experiences and knowledge on what to look for, what to check for and the whole process of buying a horse suitable for dressage. Claire discussed the following points:

  • Reality bites...matching your skills and ambitions to sale horses - identify your selection criteria
  • Initial assessment - temperament - conformation - trainability
  • Get help - ride and ride again - get a vet check

Left: Deb Ashby and Claire Wallace, taking a well-deserved breather
"Dressage Training from the Beginning to End" - Nicole Tough
Training a dressage horse takes time, effort, hard work and a plan. Nicole is one of Queensland's most successful coaches, competitors, judges and educators. She took us on a step-by-step process of dressage training - starting on a 3-year old, moved onto the 5-year old Remi Rockafella and finally onto her 10-year old FEI horse, Glencoe Manhattan. She demonstrated the focus of systematic training at the different stages of development.

Above: Nicole Tough on Remi Rockerfella and below on Glencoe Manhattan

"The Dressage Seat" - Jenny Gehrke and Jayden Brown
While watching a beautifully ridden dressage test, one would ask, "How does this rider sit so effortlessly while giving effective aids to the horse?" During this presentation, Jenny explained how it is done (with the help of Jayden Brown - one of our promising national young riders). Jenny is another one of Qld's successful trainers, coaches, competitors and educators and through the years, she has taught many riders who all have a common thread - they ride well and sit perfectly.

"Choosing the Right Stallion for your Mare" - Cheryl O'Brien, Remi Stud and President of the Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia
When it comes to finding a suitable stallion for your mare, there are lots of questions to ask and lots of information to take in. Cheryl O'Brien from Remi Stud has bred quality dressage horses for the last 20 years and she shared the key points to follow when choosing the right stallion for your mare.

"Ringcraft - the Importance of Accuracy" - Amy Zeller
When you ride a dressage test you are marked on each movement, therefore it is important and valuable to ride each movement accurately to score well. Lots of riders give away marks when they ride the movements without completing them. Amy has competed nationally for many years and understands the importance of "accuracy". She discussed how little mistakes can cost you marks.

Amy Zeller from Leadburn Lodge

"Riding Through Dressage Tests"
This demonstration was as "live" as it comes. Dressage riders (who have competing at this level successfully) rode a test from Preliminary to Medium level. They had microphones on them and explained step-by-step how to ride each movement of that test. They described the aids they were giving, explained the preparation they performed before each movement and clarified how they gauge whether the movement was sufficient. The dressage riders were:

Nicole Tough - Preliminary on Remi Rockafella

Catherine Alati - Novice (on a pupil's horse, Caro Mio)

Gary Lung - Elementary on Duell Chutzpah

Tor Van Den Berge - Medium on Fishermans Friend

"What is the Judge Looking For?" - Sue Bright
Have you ever thought, " Was the judge looking? It felt good, I'm sure it would have scored an 8". This presentation benefitted every rider. Sue is an 'A' level judge who not only trains her horses to FEI level but she also competes up to this level. She explained what a judge looks for at each level - Preliminary to FEI. The dressage riders were:

From left: Amy Zeller (Leadburn Rotstein), Sue Bright and Katherine Blechen (Willy)

Jenny Rykoff (Jaybee April)

Kristen McAuslen (BD Bellissimo)

As the light was fading fast, I've taken photos of the demonstrators from other events.

Arian Nijhuis (Olando) photo taken at 2006 Sydney CDI

Tori Welch and Washington

"Dressage Movements of the International Level" - Jenny Gehrke
There is something about witnessing an educated horse performing beautiful FEI dressage movements. Two of Qld's 'A' Squad members, Tracey Round and Anita Scampton demonstrated movements from Prix St George to Grand Prix level. To explain and clarify each movement Jenny, who has trained and currently competes her mare, APH Magma at Grand Prix, explained the movements, the degree of difficulty and what is required for performing at an international level.

Tracey Round (Beluga) photo taken at the 2006 Australian Nationals

Anita Scampton (Faulkaneer) photo taken at the 2006 Australian Nationals

We were then treated to a Freestyle Display given by Anita Scampton, Nicole Magoffin and Jackie Hill. Even at this time of the evening (around 6pm), the stands were still full of people who were obviously enjoying themselves, I don't think anyone wanted it to end!

Anita Scampton and Faulkaneer (photo taken at the 2007 Great SE Championships)

Nicole Magoffin and Jaybee Anzac (photo taken at the 2007 Great SE Championships)

Jackie Hill and Snowy River Redwood (photo taken at the 2007 Great SE Championships)

At the conclusion of the Festival, the Silent Auction and raffle winners were announced - there were many happy people going away with some terrific products and services and no doubt, a lot more aware of the State Squad members as well as what it takes to be a successful dressage competitor.

Main Report

Page 2 - Cyberhorse Seminar Centre

Page 4 - Fashion Parade

Page 5 - Ridden Stallion Display

Page 6 - Special Mentions and Personalities

© Cyberhorse 2007 Tracy Mayhew


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