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February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Barastoc Large Pony of the Year, Over  12.2 and not over 14 hands
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Sanlirra Fairylight - Owned and ridden by Kym Ellery.  The whole Ellery family are involved in horses and showing, as active participants,  and also as sponsors of classes here at Barastoc by their company - Make Floats.
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Kirreway Zorro
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Silkwood September Rain
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Silkwood September Rain
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Silkwood September Rain

So very well ridden by
young Sarah Lindeman
(who also rode the 2001
Barastoc Galloway of the Year)

A great achievement for the Lindeman family - congratulations.

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Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index