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February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Barastoc Large Pony of the Year, Over  12.2 and not over 14 hands
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Phoenix Park Rebel - Capably ridden by his owner Bianca Duell.  Bianca has established her credentials as a
rider,  by winning the prestigious 'Good Hands' competition at the Melbourne Royal Show.
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Kirreway Beaumont - Owned by Margot McDougall who has really supported the 2001 Barastoc competition.  She also owns the hack Bucci.  Beaumont was very well ridden for Margot by Jacqueline Librio.
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Lesfield Mustang Sally - beautiful type and well in command under the expertise of
part owner Francesca Christie.

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Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index