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Equitana Asia Pacific 2001
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logo204.gif (6260 bytes) The Audi Spray Farm Spring Festival
CIC *** International Horse Trials
Victoria's finest food & Wine festival
combined with world class equestrian sport ...

Nov. 30th to Dec. 2nd. 2001
CIC *** Presentations & Personalities - Page 2

A fantastic three days competition saw Australian Olympic Gold Medallist Wendy Schaeffer confirm her dominance in the sport.  She rode the 9 year old grey Koyuna Sun-Glow, an Australian Thoroughbred by Copper Glow Memento.  I spent a little time throughout the day with Wendy's mum Di, and it is easy to see where Wendy gets her drive and focus.  

Wendy ended up with the winning aggregate score, but all of the top 10 or so, deserve to be congratulated for their outstanding performances.  At this level there is only a little in it, and all of these riders were equally capable of taking home the trophy.

To be part of the Spray Farm International Horse Trials as a competitor must be a great thrill, and I am sure that all of the riders had a wonderful time just being here.

preswendyschaeffer1.jpg (13469 bytes) A delighted Wendy Schaeffer - winner of the 2001 Audi Spray Farm CIC *** International Horse Trials.

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preswendyschaeffer2.jpg (13514 bytes) Patrick Collins - the Marketing Manager from Audi Australia, helps Wendy with the winners sash.
preswendyschaeffer3.jpg (15722 bytes) Di Schrapel steps in to make sure that the sash is correctly placed on the winner - Wendy Schaeffer.
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Left to Right:
Patrick Collins,
Wendy Schaeffer 1st.
Amanda Ross 2nd.
Kate Hayman 3rd
Megan Jones 4th
David Middleton 5th.
Rohan Luxmore 6th
Emily Anker 7th
(not in pic.)
David Middleton 8th.
Matthew Browne  (right)


preswendyamandajoke.jpg (13517 bytes) 1st & 2nd Wendy Schaeffer and Amanda Ross share a joke ...
preswendypatrick.jpg (13458 bytes) Patrick Collins with Wendy Schaeffer
prespatrickwencyamanda.jpg (11958 bytes) Patrick Collins congratulates Wendy Schaeffer and Amanda Ross for their excellent performances in the Audi sponsored event.

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pdavemiddleton1.jpg (7650 bytes) David Middleton 5th on WEC Warlock and 8th on RUNVS - a great effort to ride two horses to placings in the top 10 - well done Dave.

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