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barastoclogo.gif (6757 bytes) BARASTOC 2001
February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Australian Horsesports Working Hunter
Galloways Over 14 and not Over 15 Hands
Page 2
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Time in Town

Ridden by

Amy Bright

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Cheraton Flashdancer
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Cheraton Flashdancer
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Cheraton Flashdancer
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Above - Cheraton Flashdancer ridden by versatile Nicole Guillot
She also rode a top 10 hack) were Reserve Champion

Above Cheraton Flashdancer - Reserve and    Below Dadyminga Natai - Champion
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Dadyminga Natai
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Dadyminga Natai
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Dadyminga Natai
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Above and Right

Dadyminga Natai

beautifully ridden

by Claire Hawkey

2001 Champions - well done!

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Murray Wheatley - Mounted steward
extraordinaire !!!
Kept the ring running to time which
allowed the judge to give competitors every
chance to learn from their participation in Barastoc 2001.
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Jenny Sheppherd - pictured here with
Olympian and equestrian legend
Bill Roycroft.

Jenny did a fantastic job with the
Working Hunters.

Provisional Timetable |   Trade Exhibitors
Australian Horsesports Working Hunter Galloway
Over 14 hands and not over 15 hands  Page 1 Page 2

Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index