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February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
APSB Led - Page 2
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Above - Alumeah Keeping - Nomination of B & M Chaundy
Such a perfect pony with such beautiful markings and her behaviour and manners matched her good looks.
Winner of the Mare Dry 12 hands and under, 4 Yeas and over class and eventual Champion Australian Pony Mare.
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Robarie Emya squares up for the judge
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Above and Right
Summerview Cantarra
Mare Dry 12 Hands and Under
4 Years and over

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Summerview Cantarra

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Summerview Cantarra
Left & Right
Summerview Cantarra

Handler Jodie Hohn is wearing her
Handlers ribbon which was awarded by a special panel of selectors.

All handlers which were selected throughout the day will be eligible for selection for the best Presented Handler in the APSB ring

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Jodie Hohn - beautifully attired.
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Waverleigh Nandara - Nominated by G & C Hartigan were the only nominations in the Brood Mare with foal at foot class
so without opposition they won their class.  As if to prove her quality this lovely mare and her well grown foal went on to become the Reserve Champion Australian Pony Mare from the extremely strong preceding classes

Provisional Timetable |   Trade Exhibitors
APSB Page 1  |   Page 2

Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index