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Melbourne International Three Day Event
7-9th June 2003 - Werribee Park.
Day 1 & 2 Dressage Results.
                                                                          GOOD    MARKS    230                                                                                                                               6
Dressage Results
                                                                                         INDIVIDUAL JUDGES GOOD MARKS
  NO   RIDER                      HORSE                           STATE  Judge            Judge            Judge              D'GE    E  D'GE      PL       PH       SC       SC       PH       X/C      X/C     TOTAL     PLACE     S/J
                                                                           H                C                E                  %     C                      A      JUMP     TIME       C      JUMP     TIME     DAY 2     DAY 2    JUMP
  22   Ali Foye                   Bondir                         NSW      156    67.83%    153    66.52%    163    70.87%    68.41%      47.4      3rd                                                            47.4
  23   Carly Brown                Madori                         VIC      141    61.30%    141    61.30%    137    59.57%    60.72%      58.9      6th                                                            58.9
  24   Emma Hoath                 Kiwi Mystery                   NSW      143    62.17%    146    63.48%    151    65.65%    63.77%      54.3      5th                                                            54.3
  26   Sally Yeomans              Space Cadet                    VIC      142    61.74%    136    59.13%    136    59.13%    60.00%      60.0      7th                                                            60.0
  27   Hayley Smith               Minapre Que Sera               VIC      154    66.96%    160    69.57%    163    70.87%    69.13%      46.3      2nd                                                            46.3
  28   Jade Wilson                Billy Blue Jeans               QLD      150    65.22%    149    64.78%    159    69.13%    66.38%      50.4      4th                                                            50.4
  29   James Heazlewood           Adloo Casey                    TAS      161    70.00%    169    73.48%    165    71.74%    71.74%      42.4      1st                                                            42.4
  30   Michael Boucher            Lord Waldo                     VIC      134    58.26%    139    60.43%    133    57.83%    58.84%      61.7      8th                                                            61.7
  35   Lara Pizimolas             Casual Boy                     SA       130    56.52%    130    56.52%    137    59.57%    57.54%      63.7      9th                                                            63.7
  45   Chloe Leonard              Wish for Rain                  TAS      127    55.22%    125    54.35%    135    58.70%    56.09%   *  65.9     10th                                                            65.9

Dressage Results
                                                                          GOOD    MARKS    230                                                                                                                               6
                                                                                         INDIVIDUAL JUDGES GOOD MARKS
  NO   RIDER                      HORSE                           STATE  Judge            Judge            Judge              D'GE    E  D'GE      PL       PH       SC       SC       PH       X/C      X/C     TOTAL     PLACE     S/J
                                                                           H                C                B                  %     C                      A      JUMP     TIME       C      JUMP     TIME     DAY 2     DAY 2    JUMP
   1   Kevin McNab                Kelecyn Viking                 QLD      166    72.17%    138    60.00%    156    67.83%    66.67%      50.0      9th                                                            50.0
   2   Seumas Marwood             Kirby Park Irish Jewel         SA       153    66.52%    139    60.43%    162    70.43%    65.80%      51.3     13th                                                            51.3
   3   Shane Rose                 High Surprise                  NSW      144    62.61%    129    56.09%    136    59.13%    59.28%      61.1     26th                                                            61.1
   4   Chris Smith                Westminster                    VIC      160    69.57%    152    66.09%    156    67.83%    67.83%      48.3      7th                                                            48.3
   5   Suzanne Heislers           Dargan's Grey                  VIC      158    68.70%    146    63.48%    147    63.91%    65.36%      52.0     14th                                                            52.0
   7   Karin Maynard              Wensleydale's Yorkshireman     SA       109    47.39%    105    45.65%    123    53.48%    48.84%   *  76.7     32nd                                                            76.7
   8   Husref Malek               Dashper                        MAL      166    72.17%    168    73.04%    156    67.83%    71.01%      43.5      1st                                                            43.5
   9   Boyd Martin                Ying-Yang-Yo                   NSW      164    71.30%    151    65.65%    162    70.43%    69.13%      46.3      3rd                                                            46.3
  10   Rob Vlasschaert            Made To Order                  WA       151    65.65%    151    65.65%    148    64.35%    65.22%      52.2     15th                                                            52.2
  11   Penny Dow                  Dark and Stormy                TAS      122    53.04%    123    53.48%    132    57.39%    54.64%      68.0     30th                                                            68.0
  12   Janelle Madigan            Skywalker                      WA       148    64.35%    155    67.39%    152    66.09%    65.94%      51.1     =11th                                                           51.1
  13   Emma Armstrong             Sandhills Kramer               NSW      150    65.22%    139    60.43%    146    63.48%    63.04%      55.4     19th                                                            55.4
  14   Morten Haugaard            My Hamlet                      DEN      144    62.61%    140    60.87%    148    64.35%    62.61%      56.1     21st                                                            56.1
  15   Paula Ivanovic             Royal Marine                   SA       147    63.91%    139    60.43%    148    64.35%    62.90%      55.7     20th                                                            55.7
  17   Emily Anker                Keniski                        VIC      158    68.70%    156    67.83%    157    68.26%    68.26%      47.6      6th                                                            47.6
  18   Glenys Noble               Voortrekker                    NSW      139    60.43%    145    63.04%    140    60.87%    61.45%      57.8     =22nd                                                           57.8
  19   Serena Woess               Stennings Lane                 VIC      131    56.96%    137    59.57%    136    59.13%    58.55%      62.2     =27th                                                           62.2
  20   Kellie Tobias              Who Dares                      VIC      142    61.74%    132    57.39%    136    59.13%    59.42%      60.9     25th                                                            60.9
  21   Sammi McLeod               Orchard End Winston            NSW      149    64.78%    156    67.83%    153    66.52%    66.38%      50.4     10th                                                            50.4
  25   Samantha Sidwell           Sweetest Revenge               NSW      160    69.57%    161    70.00%    155    67.39%    68.99%      46.5      4th                                                            46.5
  31   Alexandra Owens            William the Conqueror          NSW      141    61.30%    143    62.17%    153    66.52%    63.33%      55.0     18th                                                            55.0
  32   Sally Brown                Lord Nelson                    TAS      134    58.26%    136    59.13%    144    62.61%    60.00%      60.0     24th                                                            60.0
  33   Kate Kenny                 Peekaboo                       QLD      142    61.74%    144    62.61%    138    60.00%    61.45%      57.8     =22nd                                                           57.8
  34   Melanie Mayer              The Man                        NSW      138    60.00%    127    55.22%    139    60.43%    58.55%   *  62.2     =27th                                                           62.2
  36   David Middleton            WGEP Figjam                    VIC      126    54.78%    129    56.09%    134    58.26%    56.38%      65.4     29th                                                            65.4
  37   Lucinda Lambert            Lethal Weapon                  TAS      146    63.48%    156    67.83%    153    66.52%    65.94%      51.1     =11th                                                           51.1
  39   Jodi Crawford              B.B. Mountain Lion             NSW      161    70.00%    164    71.30%    147    63.91%    68.41%      47.4      5th                                                            47.4
  40   Jenalle Duffy              JenJan Bobby Dazzler           VIC      153    66.52%    151    65.65%    163    70.87%    67.68%      48.5      8th                                                            48.5
  41   Roger Blackwell            Prince Brodie                  TAS      116    50.43%    118    51.30%    121    52.61%    51.45%   *  72.8     31st                                                            72.8
  42   Catherine Wilson           Jiminny Cricket                VIC      157    68.26%    142    61.74%    148    64.35%    64.78%      52.8     17th                                                            52.8
  43   Kevin McNab                Kelecyn Gifted Guru            QLD      159    69.13%    159    69.13%    166    72.17%    70.14%      44.8      2nd                                                            44.8
  44   Danielle Marwood           Zoom                           SA       150    65.22%    144    62.61%    155    67.39%    65.07%      52.4     16th                                                            52.4
CCI **
Dressage Results
                                                                   GOOD     MARKS     250                                                                                                                                6
                                                                                   INDIVIDUAL JUDGES GOOD MARKS
 NO RIDER                       HORSE                      STATE   Judge             Judge             Judge              D'GE    E  D'GE      PL       PH       SC       SC       PH       X/C      X/C     TOTAL     PLACE     S/J      S/J
                                                                     H                 C                 E                  %     C                      A      JUMP     TIME       C      JUMP     TIME     DAY 2     DAY 2    JUMP     TIME
 49 Sammi McLeod                Man Hunter                 NSW      142    56.80%     143    57.20%     146    58.40%    57.47%      63.8     24th                                                            63.8
 50 Amanda Coulson              L.A. Confidential          TAS      146    58.40%     156    62.40%     147    58.80%    59.87%      60.2     16th                                                            60.2
 51 Niki France                 Klimax                     NSW      141    56.40%     144    57.60%     142    56.80%    56.93%      64.6     25th                                                            64.6
 52 Robert Palm                 Jasper's Quest             NSW      146    58.40%     154    61.60%     153    61.20%    60.40%      59.4     13th                                                            59.4
 53 Kadi Eykamp                 Maximum Overkill           NSW      152    60.80%     170    68.00%     169    67.60%    65.47%      51.8      5th                                                            51.8
 54 Sami Wood                   Star Ovation               VIC      127    50.80%     128    51.20%     138    55.20%    52.40%   *  71.4     34th                                                            71.4
 55 Nick Roe                    Niarchos                   VIC      160    64.00%     163    65.20%     171    68.40%    65.87%      51.2      4th                                                            51.2
 56 Tara Trebilcock             Satiric                    SA       150    60.00%     144    57.60%     156    62.40%    60.00%      60.0     15th                                                            60.0
 57 Georgia Clifford            The Doog                   VIC      136    54.40%     130    52.00%     144    57.60%    54.67%      68.0     31st                                                            68.0
 58 Shauna Dean                 Prince of Princes          WA       168    67.20%     151    60.40%     154    61.60%    63.07%      55.4      8th                                                            55.4
 59 Kirsten Cargill             Dusky Sound                NSW      129    51.60%     144    57.60%     141    56.40%    55.20%      67.2     =28th                                                           67.2
 60 Jane Conway                 Gordonstoun                NSW      157    62.80%     141    56.40%     144    57.60%    58.93%      61.6     21st                                                            61.6
 62 Catherine Martindale        Town Fox                   VIC      135    54.00%     129    51.60%     138    55.20%    53.60%      69.6     33rd                                                            69.6
 63 Cassia Montgomery           Foxdale Fever              VIC      151    60.40%     144    57.60%     150    60.00%    59.33%   *  61.0     17th                                                            61.0
 64 Sarah Ingham                Chief Justice              WA       157    62.80%     138    55.20%     149    59.60%    59.20%      61.2     =18th                                                           61.2
 65 Zack Wilson                 Winjarra                   QLD      135    54.00%     139    55.60%     142    56.80%    55.47%   *  66.8     27th                                                            66.8
 66 Harrie Fasher               Supremist                  NSW      149    59.60%     146    58.40%     148    59.20%    59.07%      61.4     20th                                                            61.4
 67 Emily Hodgson               Chief Wigham               VIC      154    61.60%     150    60.00%     157    62.80%    61.47%      57.8     =11th                                                           57.8
 68 Darren Green                Torlea Merlin McOhl        VIC      151    60.40%     159    63.60%     158    63.20%    62.40%      56.4     10th                                                            56.4
 69 Ebony Smailes               Mayfields Rollercoaster    WA       158    63.20%     144    57.60%     149    59.60%    60.13%      59.8     14th                                                            59.8
 70 Jane Griffin                Mousetrap                  VIC      179    71.60%     163    65.20%     177    70.80%    69.20%      46.2      3rd                                                            46.2
 71 Rowena Lewis                Fleet Street Flyer         VIC      124    49.60%     131    52.40%     148    59.20%    53.73%      69.4     32nd                                                            69.4
 72 Kate Ingham                 Remba Park Flash Frank     WA       145    58.00%     139    55.60%     155    62.00%    58.53%      62.2     22nd                                                            62.2
 73 John Cooper                 Overley Irish Decision     NSW      148    59.20%     164    65.60%     160    64.00%    62.93%      55.6      9th                                                            55.6
 74 Bianca Craddock             Saddle Up Viking           VIC      134    53.60%     146    58.40%     140    56.00%    56.00%   *  66.0     26th                                                            66.0
 75 Jessica Griffiths           Trailco Oilwells           QLD      98     39.20%     112    44.80%     128    51.20%    45.07%   *  82.4     35th                                                            82.4
 77 Joanne Kinross              Judah                      VIC      146    58.40%     148    59.20%     150    60.00%    59.20%      61.2     =18th                                                           61.2
 78 Shane Rose                  Cleddau Bobby Dazzler      NSW      179    71.60%     171    68.40%     183    73.20%    71.07%      43.4      2nd                                                            43.4
 79 Daniel Pearce               Bart                       WA       130    52.00%     139    55.60%     144    57.60%    55.07%      67.4     30th                                                            67.4
 80 Katie Henderson             Bulletproof                NSW      142    56.80%     147    58.80%     147    58.80%    58.13%      62.8     23rd                                                            62.8
 81 Kylie Hall                  Chubby Checker             TAS      140    56.00%     128    51.20%     146    58.40%    55.20%      67.2     =28th                                                           67.2
 82 Sammi McLeod                Black Odyssey              NSW      185    74.00%     194    77.60%     188    75.20%    75.60%      36.6      1st                                                            36.6
 83 Amanda Coulson              L.A. Oasis                 TAS      152    60.80%     150    60.00%     159    63.60%    61.47%      57.8     =11th                                                           57.8
 84 Niki France                 The Max Factor             NSW      164    65.60%     156    62.40%     165    66.00%    64.67%      53.0      6th                                                            53.0
 85 Robert Palm                 Koyuna Bandit              NSW      156    62.40%     147    58.80%     171    68.40%    63.20%      55.2      7th                                                            55.2
CCI ***
Dressage Results
                                                                    GOOD     MARKS     250                                                                                                                              6
                                                                                    INDIVIDUAL JUDGES GOOD MARKS
 NO           RIDER                       HORSE             STATE   Judge             Judge             Judge                    E   D'GE      PL       PH       SC       SC       PH       X/C      X/C     TOTAL    PLACE     S/J      S/J
                                                                      M                 C                 E                      C                       A      JUMP     TIME       C      JUMP     TIME     DAY 2    DAY 2    JUMP     TIME
 86 Tim Boland               Limitless                      NSW      163    65.20%     162    64.80%     163    65.20%   65.07%      52.4      4th                                                           52.4
 87 Nicky Turner             Warrie Hill                    NSW      145    58.00%     139    55.60%     136    54.40%   56.00%      66.0      7th                                                           66.0
 88 Nina Clarke              Lockley's Park Monet           VIC      132    52.80%     127    50.80%     118    47.20%   50.27%      74.6     10th                                                           74.6
 90 Rob Vlasschaert          Sagamore Mistral               WA       148    59.20%     144    57.60%     130    52.00%   56.27%      65.6      6th                                                           65.6
 91 Olivia Bunn              GV Top Of The Line             NSW      161    64.40%     161    64.40%     169    67.60%   65.47%      51.8      2nd                                                           51.8
 92 John Bird                Fifth Avenue Fame              VIC      158    63.20%     149    59.60%     154    61.60%   61.47%      57.8      5th                                                           57.8
 93 Gendy Turner             Chapel Hill                    NSW      139    55.60%     136    54.40%     144    57.60%   55.87%      66.2      8th                                                           66.2
 94 Blair Richardson         Souvenir                       NSW      163    65.20%     162    64.80%     164    65.60%   65.20%      52.2      3rd                                                           52.2
 95 Tim Boland               Kildonan Tug                   NSW      166    66.40%     166    66.40%     176    70.40%   67.73%      48.4      1st                                                           48.4
 96 Pauline McKee            Mister Moss                    NSW      137    54.80%     138    55.20%     124    49.60%   53.20%      70.2      9th                                                           70.2

CIC-W ***
Dressage Results
                                                                     GOOD               230                                                                                          6
                                                                                     INDIVIDUAL JUDGES GOOD MARKS
 NO RIDER                    HORSE                           STATE   Judge             Judge             Judge                    E   D'GE      PL       X/C      X/C     TOTAL    PLACE     S/J      S/J     TOTAL    FINAL
                                                                       M                 C                 E                      C                     JUMP     TIME     DAY 2   Phase 2   JUMP     TIME              PLACE
 98 Kadi Eykamp              Iz'bella Roselini              NSW       163    70.87%     163    70.87%     153    66.52%   69.42%      45.9      3rd                       45.9                                45.9
 99 Georgia Clifford         Let It Rain                    VIC       129    56.09%     132    57.39%     126    54.78%   56.09%      65.9     18th                       65.9                                65.9
100 Rebecca Braitling        Just A Lady                    NSW       150    65.22%     136    59.13%     143    62.17%   62.17%      56.7     12th                       56.7                                56.7
101 Wendy Schaeffer          Sun Shades                     SA        171    74.35%     169    73.48%     159    69.13%   72.32%      41.5      2nd                       41.5                                41.5
102 Fiona Hughes             Enchanted                      NSW       151    65.65%     148    64.35%     152    66.09%   65.36%      52.0      7th                       52.0                                52.0
103 Chris Smith              Uptrend                        VIC       151    65.65%     149    64.78%     148    64.35%   64.93%      52.6      8th                       52.6                                52.6
104 Luke Jones               Interloper                     SA        151    65.65%     148    64.35%     142    61.74%   63.91%      54.1     10th                       54.1                                54.1
105 Michael Baker            G.S. Chevalier                 VIC       152    66.09%     148    64.35%     155    67.39%   65.94%      51.1      5th                       51.1                                51.1
107 Ian Balfour              The King's Romance             VIC       141    61.30%     134    58.26%     127    55.22%   58.26%  *   62.6     16th                       62.6                                62.6
108 Pongsiree Bunluewong     Eliza Jane                     NSW       136    59.13%     133    57.83%     129    56.09%   57.68%      63.5     17th                       63.5                                63.5
110 Emma Mason               Starstruck                     NSW       150    65.22%     146    63.48%     147    63.91%   64.20%  *   53.7      9th                       53.7                                53.7
111 Sue Leslie               Peter the Red                  VIC       144    62.61%     141    61.30%     132    57.39%   60.43%      59.3     13th                       59.3                                59.3
112 Malia Chappel            Toy Boy                        QLD       139    60.43%     137    59.57%     133    57.83%   59.28%      61.1     14th                       61.1                                61.1
113 Christopher Burton       Deo Juvante                    NSW       153    66.52%     155    67.39%     166    72.17%   68.70%      47.0      4th                       47.0                                47.0
114 Boyd Martin              True Blue Toozac               NSW       151    65.65%     147    63.91%     140    60.87%   63.48%      54.8     11th                       54.8                                54.8
115 Blair Richardson         Makinground                    NSW       142    61.74%     138    60.00%     128    55.65%   59.13%      61.3     15th                       61.3                                61.3
117 Megan Jones              Kirby Park Irish Hallmark      SA        167    72.61%     168    73.04%     169    73.48%   73.04%      40.4      1st                       40.4                                40.4
118 Nick Roe                 Wondaree Hooley Dooley         VIC       151    65.65%     152    66.09%     152    66.09%   65.94%      51.1      6th                       51.1                                51.1
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