Eventing News
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Equitana Asia Pacific 2001
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logo204.gif (6260 bytes) The Audi Spray Farm Spring Festival
CIC *** International Horse Trials
Victoria's finest food & Wine festival
combined with world class equestrian sport ...

Nov. 30th to Dec. 2nd. 2001
CIC *** Showjumping - Page 3


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Nina Clarke & Lockleys Park Monet showed fine style.

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Monet is an Australian Thoroughbred, 10 years old.

They unfortunately accrued 25 jumping penalties and 10 time penalties in this phase.

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Nina Clarke and the very handsome Lockleys Park Monet.

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Rowena Lewis and Fleet Street Flyer a 16 year old thoroughbred by Silver Knight.

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Fleet Street Flyer handles this spread fence very well.

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Andrew Beard and  GS Chevalier.

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Chevalier is a 12 year old Aust. TB.


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Danny Boag
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Warren Lamperd
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