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barastoclogo.gif (2159 bytes) BARASTOC 2001
February 16. 17 & 18
State Equestrian Centre
Stock Horses - Highlights 
vetschoolrumour1.jpg (12875 bytes) Vet School Rumour

was bred by the University of Brisbane

He was Junior Champion Working Horse

Ridden by Barry Sawyer

Owned by Falconhurst Stud
David Ross.

Indra Tania

Ridden by David Ross from
Falconhurst Stud

Tania won the Victorian
Show Series Led

She was the Reserve Champion
Australian Stock Horse Mare.

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beaupolo1.jpg (10089 bytes) Beau Polo

Ridden by
Larry Cutler from Willow Grive in

The horse is owned by
Ebony Lodge Stock Horses and Larry manages the property.

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Barastoc Horse of the Year 2001 - Event Index